Tuesday, July 3, 2012

The Amazing Spider Man Is More Than Just A Reboot

Spider Man and Gwen Stacey.
When you heard "Spider Man reboot", you probably groaned and thought to yourself "yet another money grab from the studios". A couple of years ago, they announced they were going to make a Spider Man 4 with Tobey Maguire. Then the decision came out that they were going to reboot the whole series and start from Peter's high school days. This brought on a change to the directional and cast departments of the movie. A couple years later, we have the finished product audiences are viewing today.

Now The Amazing Spider Man doesn't feed the exact same storyline as the previous movies. Although there are some necessary plot points that are needed to be dealt with to still relate to the comic so fans won't riot at drastic changes. The Amazing Spider Man does take these moments and takes its own twist to it. Like for example Peter gets bitten by a spider because they fell on him when he was exploring area he wasn't supposed. Another change to the Spider Man character is the fact that the webs come from gadgets, and not from his hands. I think this make more sense since its more believable that a thin metal line can do all that Spidey needs to do rather than spider web. Although spider web is more authentic.

The Amazing Spider Man is essentially the journey of Peter Parker and his journey to becoming the hero he was destined to be. Peter starts out as the kid who wants to help the little guy but is not that strong himself. Then he gets these abilities and a whole new world opens for him. In addition to finally get a change to date his high school crush, Gwen Stacey. The film also introduces a new villain in Dr. Curt Connors who later transforms into The Lizard. The Amazing Spider Man also went in a direction of showing Peter's parents and creating a conspiracy around them. In the previous films, Peter's parents were not mentioned or seen unlike the aunt and uncle. This was one of the major drawing points of the movie.

Not only was the storyline great but the actors were right for their roles. And they reminded the audience of it every time they stepped on screen. I found myself (and probably most of the audience) loving Andrew Garfield's Peter Parker, and the elements he brought to the film. The previous film seems like a drama/action in comparison. The Amazing Spider Man brought a lighter tone and wit to the film, and that audiences can enjoy. Even the chemistry between Garfield and Stone was great and it didn't feel like another cheesey love story. It just clicked.

Although level enjoyment might depend on the viewer. Some can't get enough (like me), and some find that once was good enough. I personally can't get enough of Garfield's Peter Parker, because it was just that well done. The Amazing Spider Man has proven its self more than just another reboot. Thats a reason to check it out. Our rating:

Watch It.

It is an enjoyable movie. You should consider watching it.
Trailer below.

Also make sure to watch the credits, theres a scene in the middle leading towards a possible sequel.

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