Saturday, March 24, 2012

The Hunger Games brings its own Game

Katniss Everdeen and Gale Hawthorne.
The Hunger Games. Sounds like another teen franchise to me. But it ain't no Twilight. The Hunger Games brings its own game by showing that it can reach out all people (not just screeching females), and can have strong actors to carry the plot along. Enough series bashing, lets talk The Hunger Games.

The movie, from what I have heard is close to its source so fans of the book and others would enjoy it. Its good to know that the story can hold its hold that people can enjoy it without being on the inside. If I were to liken to movie to a movie series, it would be the Harry Potter series. Cause basically anyone can enjoy Harry Potter, unless your hater or you don't like the genre in general.

The basic plot of this movie is that due to an uprising years ago, and society collapsed. Eventually, the capital restored it, and separated people into 12 societies, or rather districts. There is a twist. To make them remember what they did years ago, the capital created the Hunger Games which required a boy and a girl, ages 13- 18 to compete and fight to the death in. In district 12, Katniss's younger sister is chosen and Katniss volunteers herself in her sister's place. Along side her, Peeta is chosen. They head to the capital and are treated as celebrities.

Think of it like a reality tv show like Survivor. The people in capital view this as the game thing, but unlike reality tv, almost everyone dies in this game. It also shows how people without the hardships that the districts experience, begin to demoralize as they enjoy watching young people fighting to the death. There is a much larger story arc here as the president wishes to rule over the districts with hope, but not too much.

The characters in this movie each brought their own element to help drag along the story. It helps even more when the actors bring them to life. As other reviews stated before, Jennifer Lawerence does an excellent job. We also have Woody Harrelson as the mentor to Katniss. There are a lot of big name actors here like Donald Sutherland, Elizabeth Banks, and others. Oh did I mention that Chris Hemsworth's brother, Liam Hemsworth, is in this film? You can recognize his by his jawline.

There is too much of a condensed storyline to write about, nor will I spoil it for those who wish to see it. So I'm going to summarize it the best I can. Although for someone like me, watching it the first time was good enough for me. The movie is more of a drama, than action, but it balances it nicely in the arena scene. Also, remember that this movie is 2 hours and 22 minutes along, so plan ahead. In short, the movie is a great movie to watch, and you should check it out whenever you can.

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